For this blog I just wanted to post a couple of pictures of why Reagan loves Japan so much . . . because there are parks EVERYWHERE. The parks are just beautiful too. For at least the first week, we took her to the park everyday. We still go almost everyday. I actually try my hardest not to ever mention the word park around her because if you do for the next ten minutes straight all you hear is “Park. Park! Mommy, PARK!!”

Reagan climbing through the tubes at Doho park which is only about 15 minutes from the house.

Coming down a huge slide.

Playing with daddy at a park in Tokyo.

Posing for her picture at the Ueno Park. Ueno is a suburb of Tokyo.

Playing in the water-fountain by the the Tsukuba Station.

She was soaked. She played for an hour.

This was her reaction to me saying, “it’s time to go.”

Playing at the Hiroshima Peace Park.

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