Lakeside Pool
We have the nice little outdoor pool about a block away from the apartments but we were wanting something a little more this weekend. Matt and I were looking for something with a lazy river and slides. He talk to the office staff at the Ninomiya House and found the two closest to us. The first place was the coolest, the downfall was it was a 30 minute train to another 30 minute train then to a bus and was going to cost us about $60 just in transportation. The other one wasn’t as cool but still had a lazy river and two slides. Its downfall was it was a 13 mile bike ride away. We decided to go for the free bike ride since it was just us and we didn’t know if Reagan would be allowed to ride the slides.
Our bike ride. (A) Ninomiya House, (B) Lakeside Pool
Oh how i love riding 26 miles in one day. It ended up being a beautiful bike ride along the river in a valley of rice fields. Just about the time we were getting absolutely done with it we turned a corner and there was the place. It was a pool/small waterpark that was part of a hotel but open to the public as well. We arrived right in time for lunch so we decided we would eat something before we got in the water. So I saw I sign that said no food or drinks allowed when we were checking in and assume there was NO food or drinks inside. I saw people walking toward a building on the left outside the pool area so I assumed it was a food court area and pointed Matt that way. Well it wasn’t a food court area it was a restaurant. Also, it turn out it wasn’t the only place to get food, there was a snack bar inside the pool area. They just didn’t want outside food to come into the pool area. I should have known better I have been to plenty of water parks and it is always like that.
Rice fields and more rice fields
The waterpark was a lot of fun and Reagan really loved it. She went down the slides numerous times, floated around the lazy river for a while and played in the pool until she couldn't hardly stand up. After having a couple of American Dogs, aka corn dogs, we mounted our bikes for our trek home. Of course Reagan fell asleep on the bike but we knew she would. About half way home we stopped at McDonald's for some A/C and a milkshake. Some what rejuvenated we loaded back up and made it back to the Ninomiya House. 
Reagan and Matt on the slide
"Hold me tight Daddy!"
Reagan getting her feet wet
Reagan asleep on the way home

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