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So our little Reagan Jo is turning two. Where did time go? We were very excited to do something for her. We thought about having some of the families up from the Ninomiya house but decided to just do a little something just us and the Walkers. So Monday before her birthday we put together a little party with balloons, presents, and cake. The Walkers took her for an hour before and let Matt and I set up the house and finish dinner. Her face was priceless when she walked in and her house had been transformed into Reagan's Party Land. We had dinner and cake and then opened gifts. You wouldn’t have known from the amount of gifts that we were thousands of miles from the family. Everyone was so sweet and sent so much. Thank you very much, it made her day. The party was small and wonderful, but we were all really excited for her real birthday! We were going to DISNEYLAND.

So Wednesday we all headed out for Tokyo Disneyland. You see it was extra special because not only was this Reagan’s birthday and her first time to Disneyland it was also Seth's and mine as well. From the minutes you walk in the door of Disneyland you feel like you are in a fairytale. Such a perfect place for our birthday Princess. We started out by walking around like a lost child in a candy store. Not quite sure where to go or where to stop because everything seems so good. Eventually we slowed down and looked at the map and made a game plan. We started with the USA Apollo rocket ride that had a somewhat short wait time (45 minutes). Seth and Katie held the spots in line while Matt and I took Reagan to Toontown for a little while. Toontown has a bunch of interactive buildings that Reagan was able to run in and out of and push buttons. When we got back to the ride, Seth and Katie were waiting at the start of the line letting people go in front of them. It turned out that the "approximate" time was a little over estimated. Either way it worked out and we went our first ride at Disneyland Tokyo. Next, we headed back to Toontown because there were still other building for Reagan to play in and there was also the Roger Rabbit ride. I was a little worried about Reagan because the ride had strange characters, it was dark with strobe lights, and loud but she loved it. Sweaty and hot we then went to the best show of the day, the water show at high noon. Nothing like being sprayed down when it is 90 degrees and 90% humidity. 
Reagan on the Rodger Rabbit ride
Next ride on the agenda was Splash Mountain. We couldn't take Reagan on this one so we used our Falkerpass (Walker Fastpass) again. They waited in the 110 minute line while we took Reagan to ride Alice's tea cups and see It's A Small World (please never again). We meet the Walkers after they splashed down and they took Reagan off our hands so we could ride it. Being that we planned ahead and are parents (with great friends) we were escorted to the front of the line through a backdoor. While we were riding a log and watching the story of a scared rabbit, Reagan was watching the Disney parade with the Walkers.
Reagan enjoying ice cream with Uncle Seth and Aunt Katie
Being awesome parents, Matt and I had thought ahead and decided that it would be a really good idea to get a hotel for that night. That way when Reagan started to wear down we could take her to the room for a nap. So we booked the Disney Hilton hotel just outside the park and when our little birthday Princess started to wear down we headed over to let her rest a bit. So after the parade we headed to the hotel so she could nap. While she was resting, Matt and I took a quick walk outside to see the view and sunset. It was beautiful. After a good nap, we headed back to Disneyland for a few more rides, the famous Electric Parade and the fireworks.
Electric Parade
 After the parade we had enough time for one more ride so we chose the Buzz Lightyear. While standing in line, Reagan found this static display of the aliens from Toy Story used to take pictures with. The alien by himself is the "photographer" and has a "camera" in his hands. Reagan noticed this so she thought he was taking pictures and she proceeded to pose with them for the "camera." It was really funny and so cute.
Reagan posing with the aliens
We had been super excited to see the, also famous, fireworks that go off every night at the end of the day behind the castle. Problem was the wind had started up and they ended up canceling them. We were disappointed but overall a perfect first trip to Disneyland. So at this point we told the Walkers good night and headed back to our hotel. 

It was the absolute best way to end Reagan’s birthday. We all got in our PJs and enjoyed some family fun. We did capture the moment for you guys to enjoy as well. And to answer my mom’s question, “Yes, we are kids raising a kid!” And we have loved every moment of the last two years and can only imagine what our lives will hold with these crazy, beautiful, loving, spunky little girl we have been blessed with.
Celebrating good times

Extended video of Reagan's birthday.

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