So the first couple of days in Japan were mainly an adjusting and learning period. Reagan had a pretty hard time adjusting to the time change. She was waking up at 4 am and then sleeping hard for her nap during the day. We had to wake her up every time and that did not make her happy. She was ready to be down for the night. After a couple of rough nights and long days she started sleeping normal again. The other thing to adjust to was Matt had been gone for two months. Reagan had changed quiet a bit in those two months. Matt had left a baby behind and I brought him a toddler. He was now understanding all of my complaining having her all alone. I had been putting up with a little one about to be in terrible twos.

Also during those first couple days Matt took me around town and showed me places I would need to go. We went to the grocery store, the train station, the park, and the 100 yen store. It was a lot of fun riding bikes around and Reagan is so cute with her little pink helmet. She learned that word really fast and it is so cute when we get ready to go anywhere she starts running around yelling “Helmet!”

The first weekend we were here was my birthday. I was very excited to get to spend some time with Matt. We went into Tokyo and went to a park for Octoberfest. I know it isn’t October but Japanese love it so much they have it in the spring and fall. The park was absolutely beautiful. We went to a play area and let Reagan and Matt play on all of the playground equipment. It is crazy how unregulated their toys are. There was a small zip line kids were in line waiting to play on. Matt and Reagan waited their turn and tried it out. On our way out we found a pretty area to take some quick pictures. Reagan found a cat and thought she should ride it. It was pretty funny. After that we came home and bought sushi from the grocery store. We were going to go out for sushi but it was a long day for Reagan and she was still adjusting to the time change. The sushi from the store though is just as good or better than what we get back home. It was an awesome birthday and what was better is that I was in bed by 10 pm and got to sleep in the next day. I was in desperate need for some R&R.

The next Monday Matt had to go back to work. His bosses had been really great and let him off that Thursday and Friday to help us get situated. Reagan was really upset when Matt left that Monday. Actually for about a week she screamed every morning when he left. It was so pitiful. I don’t think she will let him leave us again anytime soon.

Since Matt was headed back to work, I had to learn how to ride with Reagan on the bike too. She has a seat that is attached to the back wheel. It makes for a wobbly ride. Matt had me follow him to work so he could help me out a little and so I knew where he worked. For at least the first ten minutes I swore I was going to dump us both. Right before Matt left us to head on to work, he lectured me about being confident and don’t dump the bike because it would hurt Reagan. Thanks babe, I didn’t know that. Well I haven’t dump it or even been close and I feel pretty confident with my riding now. That pretty much sums up the first couple of days here.

Comments (1)

On June 29, 2010 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous said...

Could that baby girl be any more adorable! Beginning to look more and more like you in preschool, Matt! Chelsae keep sending the pics! We enjoy them all! Your family is beautiful! Someone posted they admire your family for the challenge. Yes, but what an adventure! I'm green with envy! Love you guys!