Reagan and I
To add to our week full of adventure, Wednesday we decided to climb Tsukuba-san. We had a little bit of a lazy morning so we headed out mid-morning. We caught a bus that takes about 45 minutes to get to trail-head. Reagan is really loving public transportation because that means no car seats for her. The hike took us about an hour. A little longer than if Matt was by himself but I am just not use to hiking like that. Between the altitude and it being the Stair Master 3000, I had to stop every 10-15 minutes to catch my breath and catch up with Matt. The worst part is Matt had Reagan on his back. Now that adds to the hike. If you add her weight and the weight of the backpack it's probably about 35 extra pounds Matt was hiking with. But . . . we, ha who am I trying to kid, I made it to the top. We know Matt had no problems being the mountain man he is. Added bonus though, Reagan slept most of the hike. It was just beautiful when we got to the top. Not just the view but the idea of that we would be taking a cable car down.

Matt and Reagan
We’d brought our lunch so we ate at the top of this spinning restaurant. Then we went up on top of the roof to get an ever better view of the area and take a couple pics. After lunch we ate some well deserved soft-cream (soft-serve ice-cream) and of course Reagan loved it. The ride down was amazing. Just a few minutes in a cable car and we were back at the trail-head.
Reagan Enjoying Soft-cream
Riding Down

As we were walking out, Matt spotted some flowers and took some great pictures.


カラー (Callalily)

It was a great day just exhausting.


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