This weekend we went to Artesia to see most of our family, and had a wonderful time. Saturday we had breakfast with Chelsae’s parents, sister, and grandparents. It was nice seeing them and had a great breakfast that Shelby cooked. That evening at my dad’s house we had most of my family that lives in Artesia and some friends over and had fajitas, asado, and a lot of other good food. Chels and I requested that we have some good home-cooked mexican food before we leave, and they delivered. Sunday was a beautiful day and we threw the football around some before we left back to Las Cruces.


This weekend I also setup Shelby, Gavin, and Olivia on Skype so we will be able to video chat while we are away. If anyone else would like to Skype or IM with me, my Skype name is mattbhaines, and my AIM is

This coming week will be my last week of work at EBID. Wednesday they are having a small office luncheon for me and making enchiladas. I have really enjoyed working there and have also enjoyed my co-workers. I will be sad to leave but hopefully we can stay in some contact after I leave. Last week we installed the stator blades on the water turbine and plan to test it within the next two weeks. The stator blades were my last design contribution and hopefully it performs like it is predicted to.

Till next time.

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