Well this is actually my first post. Matt made the first two but I wanted to add a quick one to share my side now that he is gone. I am sure a much more exciting post will be up soon from him with all the details and new pictures of Japan.

As you can see from my title, Matt has been in Japan for two days now. He left on Saturday at 6:30 am. It was a CRAZY weekend. Debbie came in on Thursday night and Friday morning while Matt was finishing up some last minute errands, Debbie and I got him packed. Later that day my parents came in and they really help tend to Reagan so the rest of us could stuff and configure every little item Matt HAD TO HAVE. :) By the time we were all done he had a 70 lb suitcase, a 50 lb duffle bag, a 50 lb carry on, and a 25 lb backpack. Add that to the 150 lbs he weighs and you have him loading the plane with almost 350 lbs. Ha ha. That was a lot of stuff.

So after everything was packed and we finished up all errands, we went back to the house and I cooked Matt one last meal until I get there the end of May. After dinner we visited with parents for a little while and then got Reagan ready for bed. Matt took her to bed and read to her. He rocked her for a bit and put her down. Seems like perfect ending to the day: dinner, time with family, Reagan asleep, and now some time with my husband before he leaves for two months. Boy were we wrong. Reagan decided she didn't want to go to sleep at all that night. She kept Matt and I awake until 1:30 am at which point we had tried EVERYTHING so we resorted to cough medicine to make her crash. So we were able to get a whole 2 hours of sleep before we had to get up and get ready for the flight.

Next glitch in the road: At 4:45 am we are all ready to get in the car and get on the road to El Paso when Matt realizes that Reagan's car seat got left in my parents car. Great now we are all pacing waiting for my mom to drive over and give us the car seat. She finally got there and we were on the road by 5:00. Mind you we have an hour drive to the airport and their flight leaves at 6:30 am. Great so we are flying down the interstate, Debbie drops us off at the check in and goes parks, and the boys barely get their luggage checked.

Next glitch in the road: We hurry through security to have to wait because they want to check Matt's carry on. He had packed his PS3 so they pretty much emptied his perfectly packed carry on and sent it through the x-ray machine again. When they hand him back the mess, he frantically tries to put it back together. Everything fit back in but a case of cds that he just carried. We ran down the terminal and took a quick picture and told him goodbye. He loaded the plane 10 minutes before take-off. Oh what a start to our Japan adventure.

Matt then had a LONG day of traveling. He landed in Tokyo at 12 am our time. After that they got to stand in line for 1.5 hours at immigration, get on a 1.5 hr bus ride to Tsukuba, and then finally met up with the lady they have been emailing back and forth with from AIST. Lets just say when I talk to him at 7 am our time the next morning and the poor guy was just getting ready to go to bed for the evening, you could tell he was EXHAUSTED.

Since then, it has been an exciting time. They have checked into our apartments, got their luggage, been to their new job to meet everyone, had some good food, and explored a bit. Now we will just all have to wait for Matt to post a new blog so we can see some of this stuff. Until then, we love you all and goodbye.

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