Quick Notes:
Weather: Very windy and cloudy (20-30mph), and mid morning rains
Read about the plasma actuator
Cleaned up about 30GB off my mac
First sushi restaurant
Went to the “Red” restaurant by the house

The ride to work today (my patch is still holding) was much more difficult to due to the 20-30mph head wind, but at least it is dirt free. About an hour after being at work it started raining, but it “only” rained for an hour or so. Here at work there isn’t much to do yet. Mostly because the others are really busy with finishing the fiscal year and starting a new one. Once things get settled I’m sure I’ll be assigned some tasks. Today Seth and I had lunch in the cafeteria and we ordered what looked like chicken, and it turned out pretty good. For the rest of the day I read about the plasma actuator that I will be working with and also cleaned up about 30 GB off of my computer.

For dinner we decided that we needed to have some sushi. We have been riding by a sushi restaurant on our way to work so we figured that we could just try that place. It is called Otaru Zushi and has the carrousel system where you just pick up what you want. All the items are priced between 100Y-200Y, so it is real cheap (this should be an indicator).


Otaru Zushi Restaurant

We picked up a few items and also order a couple of items off of the menu. Of the things that we ordered none were very good. They seemed a little old, but Seth and I both agreed that you get what you pay for. We also said maybe we should just stick with shashimi (piece of fish on rice). I took a picture of the two roles (the two on the right) that we ordered and asked Segawa-san at work what they were. He said they are not the best things to order. The light colored one is a bitter slimy bean called Natto, and the other one is like a dried cucumber called Campio. They were eatable but I wouldn’t order again. Hopefully our next sushi will be better.


Menu at Otaru

After that we wanted to go get a drink so we went to one of the places out front of our house. It was a tradition place where you take your shoes off at the door and you sit on a cushion on the floor. It was really small with four six-top tables and some seating around the food prep area. We thought it was more of a bar but it was a restaurant so we felt that we needed to order some food. They had menus in english so we could at least read a small description of what they had. Since we just ate we order fried tofu and a couple of beers. Seth saw a picture of a beer called Hoppy so he ordered it and I just got the house beer. When the Hoppy beer came the waiter also brought a large mug half full of “water” with a lemon in it. But by smelling it we knew it was sake not water. Wondering if he was supposed to pour the beer in it we called the waiter over. By gesturing we asked what to do and he motioned to pout the beer in the sake. So Seth did and it tasted really good.

In the restaurant there where two Japanese girls (20ish) sitting by themselves and also two gentlemen sitting at another table. One was at least 50 and the other late 20s and they started talking with the ladies. Actually the old guy was doing the talking and I don’t think the young guy had any game. After 15 minutes of talking back and forth and a guy came into the restaurant and gave the old guy a box. In the box was a bottle of whiskey or something, so I’m not sure how he ordered it or what happened. Anyways they then asked the ladies to join them for a drink. Of course they did because I’m sure the whiskey was expensive. So again the young guy was barely talking while the old guy was trying to pick them up. After a drink or two the two ladies just got up and bounced. When this happened Seth turned to me and said, “Well I guess the women act the same here, just use a guy to buy them a drink and bounce.”

During this our tofu came out and it was a large block of tofu fried with onions and chives on top. We both took a cube of it and took a bite. Being tofu, there wasn’t much flavor so we put some of this chili sauce on it. The chef saw us do this and quickly walked over and said “Japanese style,” and motioned to pour soy sauce on it. So we did but the chili sauce was better. We finished the tofu and another beer and then headed home for the night. It was an interesting night and I’m not sure what we are going to do tomorrow.

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