Quick Notes:
Weather: Beautiful 23C sunny day
Went out to see the Sakuras

Today Seth and I went out to gaze up the beautiful Sakuras aka Cherry Blossoms. They are now in bloom with little white-pinkish flowers and are only like this for about a week. Sakuras seemed to be everywhere from lining the sidewalks, to parks, and in peoples yards. With them being everywhere you would think the locals wouldn’t pay much attention to them, but it is the exact opposite. They have picnics under them, they have parties to celebrate the blooming, and they still even take pictures of them. For example three of the people that work in the office took a short walk after lunch to go take some pictures of the Sakuras, also we are having a small bbq with coworkers on Sunday. With all of this going on I don’t feel out of place at all taking hundreds of pictures and being awed by the trees’ beauty. The picture below was taken from the pedestrian bridge crossing East Street. I ride under the trees then cross the street to go to work.
Sakuras on East Street

Sakuras off of a walkway through a park.

We decided to go the research park at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. The park has about 500 Sakuras and it also has fields of flowers. Being a Saturday the traffic through the park was pretty bad but since we were on bikes it was pretty simple to make our way through. It was a beautiful warm sunny day, just perfect considering it had been cloudy all week. Below is part of the 2kM road through the park lined with Sakuras.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF)

I had read that they had fields of flowers but I was not expecting this. Not sure what the flower is but there was a lot of them. The had a nice smell and were about 2.5ft tall. The interesting thing was that I had no urge to sneeze and had no allergic reaction to them i.e. running nose, itchy eyes.
Field of yellow flowers at the MAFF

Seth and I at the MAFF

Laying down in the field

The trees and flowers were beautiful and I wish Chelsae was here to see them. The pictures would have been magnificent with her beauty in them. The good thing is even though these will change, there will be new and just as beautiful trees and flowers throughout the summer.

After going through the park we started our way back to the house. Since we were in a new area we continued to explore and took awhile to get back. We found a few new stores and a couple of big arcades. Seth wrote a great post called “The Hunt for the Red Popctober” and it is about one of the stores found. Please read because it is really funny. Also if you wan to see more pictures from the day click here.

Well, till next time.

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